mardi 19 mai 2009

Laundry. Udaipur

The lake palace, on left side, is the place where a part of "Octopussy" the famous J Bond movie have been filmed.
No change we couls see since this moment, except in the touristic restaurants which perform the movie everynight to attract the foreigners.
i suppose the J Bond girls did not made their laundry in the lake...

lundi 18 mai 2009

La discrète. Udaipur

Fingers are really important when you perform Bharata Natyam dance, but not only for dancing, as you can see in this image of an ordinary woman in a daily life market scene.

Chandni chowk. Delhi

DO you feel how hard can be this work among bicycles, rickshaws, motorbikes,sidewalkers and when your customer put all he can on your chariot, without any care about the weight?

dimanche 17 mai 2009

samedi 16 mai 2009

Street scene. Delhi

Chowri chok, daily life...if you want a brand new skirt...

mercredi 13 mai 2009

Choosing. Pushkar

For the tika on the forehead you can apply some red powder with your finger or buy some little jewels which can be putted on the skin; it's more feminine. After the puja and bath in the holy lake, women like to spend time in the fair and buy some little things to enhance their beauty; universal occupation, I guess.

mardi 5 mai 2009

Eyes. Pushkar

Camel man. Pushkar

Evening time, let's go to a quiet place to spend the night...

lundi 4 mai 2009

The frightening tiger. Udaipur

I am just kidding, these girls were rather mischevious than frightened! Playing with the photographer a kind of hide and seek game.
The tiger is painted on a temple wall.

Jain cooking. Udaipur

I have been invited in the house of a jain family; they don't eat any meat , egg..;
About the vegetables they only use the aerian part of them, what is growing in the ground is considered as unpure, as onions, garlic, potatoes...
When I leaved, her husband said me: "i hope you will stop eating meat when you will be back in your country".
I didn't.,

dimanche 3 mai 2009

Thirsty. Pushkar

Enjoy! Pushkar

I stayed a moment close to this Coca-cola publicity, waiting for an opportunity. One of the images I did there was this arrival of two young gipsy ladies walking by...

vendredi 1 mai 2009